Feeling down? Here are ways to lighten up
Life really does take an emotional toll on us at times. A couple of problematic scenarios is all that is needed to send us spiraling into a state of negativity. At times like these, you need to force yourself to stay balanced and relaxed. And in order to do that...here are some suggestions from Team Mai Kam Nahi.
That's right. Just take a nice breath in and then exhale. Keep doing this all the while keeping a clear head. Let your issues and problems, slip out of your mind. Feel them flowing away with the wind. Do this for at least 30 seconds (or even go up to 1 minute if you have to). At the end of it all, you'll feel extremely relaxed and soothed and you'll feel the clarity returning to your head.
Breathing will stabilize you enough for the next step
2- Use positive reaffirmations
What you tell yourself can be very important in shaping your mental state. Hence, it is vital that you use only positive words to motivate yourself and create a positive sense of self worth within you. So whenever you feel down, say something along the lines of:
"I am worthy. I have potential. I can overcome this."
You can modify the words as per your situation. Say them as many times as you want. Say them until the words sink into your mind and you absorb their content completely. When you do this, you'll feel a gradual surge in your confidence.
3- Stand up (if you're not doing so already)
Sitting down when you have trouble coping with the problems of life will cause you to feel down. You need to change the physical state of your body in order to change the emotional state of your soul. So if you're not doing so already, stand up and keep your head held high.
Think about your positive affirmations and perceive yourselves in a positive light. And then feel your confidence surge through your body as you begin to hold onto a "not gonna give up" attitude.
4- Wash your face
Sometimes, the effect of our inner critic can cloud our mind to everything else that may be going on in our lives. This includes our own value - which ends up going down dramatically. So to uncloud your mind, wash your face with preferably cold water.
Then take some time before drying it off and when you do, your mind will suddenly become clear and the way you perceive the world will no longer remain exclusively negative.